IMAGE FILE PRESS is a digital press dedicated to presenting artist books, zines, and other digital ephemera. IFP was founded by Ivan LOZANO in 2013.
All images are © by the respective maker unless otherwise noted.
We are experimenting with ways to support our contributing artists. If you've enjoyed IMAGE FILES in the past, please consider donating to the PRESS. Any amount is greatly appreciated and 75% of all money raised will go directly to the currently featured artist(s) (the remaining 25% will go towards administrative costs). Thank you for your support!!!!
IMAGE FILE PRESS is generously supported by a grant from the Propeller Fund.

About Propeller Fund
Launched in May 2010, Propeller Fund is administered jointly by Gallery 400 at the University of Illinois at Chicago and Threewalls. Propeller Fund provides grants to artists, curators, and groups living and working in Cook County, Illinois, and seeks to support projects that are independent, informal, and self-organized. Propeller Fund receives support from Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts through the Regional Regranting Program. Learn more at